Covid-19 re-opening of churches update
Re-opening for worship
As you are aware the church stewards consulted with members where it was decided that it would be safe to re-open the chapel for worship in December providing the guidelines for worship under tier 3 are maintained.
What this means is the safe distance of 2 metres needs to be maintained along with wearing of face masks and hand cleaning procedures. In addition to this area in tier 3 need to follow the guideline as produced by the Methodist Church Web site: -
“”Can only interact with your own household** both indoors and outdoors
If you would prefer not to return for worship at the moment, I will continue to provide weekly worship material suitable for this season, I encourage you to also make use of services that are televised.
November 2020
By now you will all be aware of the latest news from the government as we enter another lockdown from November 5th which will last until December 2nd when it will be reviewed. As part of the lockdown is the closure of churches for worship except for opening for funerals and private prayer. I will be resuming the letters along with worship material for use in the home.
On Monday Morning this week the first minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford, was interviewed by the BBC about the lockdown and the speculation that is involved around what we should do. He said, we should not be asking what we should do, we need to ask what can we do to help bring the virus under control.
Next Sunday 8th November, being the nearest Sunday to November 11th is the day we remember those who gave their lives in two World Wars and subsequent wars since a time to remember and to give thanks. Most of the Remembrance Day services with parades had already been cancelled. We will now be remembering those who fought and died and those who were affected by war in our own homes, to help you in this I have enclosed devotional material for November 8th which can be used on November 11th. I have also included worship material for the following Sunday 15th November. As always more will follow.
In the meantime, stay safe.
God bless
Graham Miles
August 2020
The good news is that the church will be re-opening for worship on Sunday 6th September. The church has been prepared for worship following government guidelines with an emphasis on keeping you safe, please see guidelines that will need to be followed to keep everyone safe.
21 July 2020
Re-opening of the church for worship,
I have been in discussion with the Stewards regarding resuming Sunday Worship following lockdown. When we do resume our services, it will be in line with Government and Methodist Church Guidelines to provide as far as possible a safe worship environment.
This will mean a different worship experience from when we last met together in the church in March.
Chairs will be positioned at 2 metre intervals, a one way system is likely to be in place with hand gel to use on entering and leaving church. When we conducted a rough measure of the church to maintain 2 Metre social distancing means that there will only be sufficient seating for 12 in the church, we are in the process of considering of temporally installing a speak system in the adjacent room to use as an overflow from the church. Whilst this is not an ideal situation it will mean that we can accommodate around 24 or so for worship on a Sunday morning.
The measures we will be putting in place to enable us to return to church for worship will need the approval of the managing trustees of the church, the church council, for that reason we will be holding an extraordinary church council on Wednesday 12th August at 2:00pm in the church hall. If you come along to the meeting a steward will be available to direct you to where to sit, at all times we will be following strict Covid-19 guidelines in order to keep everyone safe, if you feel comfortable with a face covering please feel free to wear one.
If you do have any questions, please contact me or one of the stewards who will be only too pleased to speak to you about this.
Keep safe
A letter for Algitha Road
Friday 15th May was due to be the Chapel Anniversary Gift Day. As with most events that have had to be either postponed or cancelled, the Gift Day has been put off until such a time when we can meet.
Whilst on lockdown I have been looking back to my arrival in the Circuit where I took over pastoral oversight of the chapels in the Southern Cluster of the circuit. I continue to be uplifted by the work that goes on at Algitha Road. The chapel which has been modernised provides a welcoming and warm worship space. The church rooms at the rear along with the car park are useful asset for the community.
It’s great that the building is used by and for various community events from Thai Chi on Monday morning, Prayers in the Chapel at 10:00am to Age UK lunches every two weeks on Tuesdays, Learning disability’s on Wednesdays, Thursday afternoon quilting group to Art groups and of course church coffee mornings on Friday during the week. These activities have been put on hold until the government allows social gatherings.
Looking forward to July I had planned for a Southern Cluster get together on Saturday 18th July, where we would be looking at the life in all of the churches alongside thinking about the future outreach of the churches, using “Our Calling” with the four themes of Service, Worship, Mission, Learning and Caring to guide our thinking for the day. Since we are not sure if by then we will be allowed to gather in large groups this may have to be shelved for another time. I am also considering, if we are able, using the day as a celebration of the churches reopening.
The church activities point to a thriving Church Community, which we would have been looking at during the next few months along with any Anniversary Gift Day gifts going into the church funds.
One of the challenges that the church is faced with is a reduction in income from lettings, the income from the letting help towards the general running costs of the church. We are reaching a position where the total income does not cover the outgoing. The church does have some money in the bank, this would gradually dwindle over the years. This situation has now been exasperated because there is no Sunday worship with the free-will offering or midweek events which helped towards the running costs. Whilst the chapel is closed there is still the Circuit assessment to pay alongside any bills that come in.
In the meantime, let us remember in our prayers everyone who is working to help those affected by the Coronavirus and all who are supporting us in all the various roles as well as our churches.
God Bless
Graham Miles
8th April 2020
Roy Howkins R.I.P.
You will have heard of the passing of Roy Howkins on 31st March
There will be a short service at Alford Crematorium on Wednesday 22nd April at 12 Noon.
Due to the Covid-19 restrictions the crematorium is only allowing 6 in per service, there are also restrictions on the content and length of the service. Whilst you cannot go on the 22nd, if possible, could you pray for Toni, Roy’s daughter and Roy’s extended family at 12 Noon.
There will at some date in the future be a memorial service at Algitha Road where we can all pay tribute to Roy.
20th March 2020
The Methodist Church here in Skegness along with all Methodist Churches in the U.K., are following Government guidelines in closing the church for Worship and other activities.
These are strange times for all of us as we go into uncharted waters. Through the media we know that what is happening here is happening throughout the world. As a church we are called to respond to Gods love no matter what is happening. Whilst I encourage looking after our neighbours this should not be done as a detriment to our own health, care should be taken in protecting ourselves, by protecting ourselves we then protect those whom we come into contact with.
If anyone needs to speak to someone please feel free to phone me, we are at the moment setting up a network of contacts to enable us to keep in contact. Please keep in contact with each other by telephone or internet.
My thoughts, this week, have been with this time of year in the Church calendar as we are midway through the period of lent. Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent which is forty days of what used to be fasting leading up to Good Friday and Easter. Sundays are not included in the forty days as they are feast days when we celebrate our Lord rising from the Grave conquering death. The forty days are meant to reflect the forty days after Jesus’ baptism when the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness. This as we know was a time of temptation, solitude and fasting. After this time Jesus came out of the wilderness ready to fulfil his calling as the Son of God. We are all entering into this time of solitude, for some it will be more challenging than others, it may seem like a wilderness where we may face temptation. Just as Jesus took one day at a time, I would encourage you to do likewise. Let us remember the lilies in the field and the birds in the air who neither sow nor reap.
Rev Graham P Miles BTh
15th March 2020
Bible Study Day
We are holding a Bible Study Day to study the Story of Ruth. This will be held in Algitha Rd on Saturday 21st March 9.30am until 3pm, With Tea/Coffee and free fish’n Chips lunch provided. For catering purposes please reserve a place with Neil by March 11th
8th March 2020
Amber wishes to thank everyone who supported her coffee morning last Saturday, which raised £170 for dementia UK'
Views of the Church on Marriage & Relationships
On Saturday 14th March at 10am we are holding a consultation in Algitha Rd to establish the views of the Church and its Members on Marriage and Relationships. Come and join us to help understand the issues and to air your views if you wish.
23rd February 2020
DON’T FORGET the Ashing Service at Chapel St Leonards Wed 26th Feb at 6pm. The ceremony of the ashes; a sign of repentance and a symbol of mortality
We thank and welcome Lorna Marsh on to our team of stewards at Algitha Rd.
16th February 2020
Have you picked up your ‘Count your Blessings’ challenge sheet?
A daily challenge to support Action for Children during Lent.
It means a little to us, but a lot to them!
9th February 2020
In the 10 item checkout in Morrisons I was dismayed to see a lady in front of me with a trolley full of shopping. Imagine my delight when the cashier sweetly asked her: “which 10 items would you like to buy?”
2nd February 2020
Church Vacancy
Skegness is looking to appoint a new church steward
If anyone is interested in the post please speak with Neil Baxter for details and a job description
26th January 2020
Job Advert
Skegness is looking to appoint a new church steward
If anyone is interested in the post please speak with Neil Baxter for details and a job description
Please note
Graham is on sabbatical from 28-30 Jan
19th January 2020
A Reminder
Our minister, Graham invites you to the manse on Saturday Morning for coffee and a chat.
A time to grouse if you wish or just to share fellowship together.
12th January 2020
Most of you will know of the death of Margot Hill, a long serving member of our congregation.
Her funeral will take place at Alford Crematoriumon Tuesday 14th January @10.00am
Our collections made over the Christmas Period, including our Christmas Card Board has allowed us to send the sum of £224.11 to Action for Children.
Thank You all for your support
5th January 2020
The stewards wish all our readers a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year.